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솔브닥 플레티넘 5 + 스트릭 100일 달성 원래 백준은 쉬엄쉬엄했으나 3월 후반 때부터 코딩에 미친듯이 빠져서 하루도 빠짐없이 코딩을 했었는데, 한 20일 정도 스트릭 쌓고 나니까 쌓아온 게 너무 아깝더라구요.... 하루에 최소 1문제씩 풀면서 스트릭 유지하다가 결국 오늘 100일을 찍게 되었습니다 세그먼트 트리 복습할 겸 골드1/골드2 문제 1~2개만 풀려 했는데 레이팅 점수를 잘 주길래 5문제 정도 풀고 플레티넘도 안착했습니다 저는 제 자신에게 박수를.... TMI) 스트릭 100일은 NLCS에서 내가 최초다 2023. 7. 9.
Semiconductors Semiconductor chips are the electronic components that have electrical conductivity properties between that of a conductor and an insulator. This attribute helps them to control the flow of electricity and thereby store and process information. Because of this crucial function, semiconductor chips are used in numerous products that enable modern life, from electronic devices like computers and, .. 2023. 7. 9.
China's 'Zero-COVID' Policy “Zero COVID” was a policy implemented by China to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. As its name suggests, the policy’s aim was to keep the number of infections as close to zero as possible. The Zero COVID policy in China involved various measures, including strict border control, rigorous testing, contact tracing, large-scale lockdowns (spanning, in some cases, entire cities), and quaran.. 2023. 6. 6.
International COVID Responses The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the health of millions of people around the world, causing severe illness and many deaths. Governments have implemented measures such as lockdowns, travel restrictions, and vaccination campaigns to try to control the spread of the virus, sometimes at the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO). Although such measures may have had some effect in containi.. 2023. 6. 3.